Seminar on étale cohomology

In the summer of 2019 I wanted to organize an informal student seminar to learn étale cohomology. The idea was to study the theory at the pace of a textbook or a course but without going into the details of technical proofs. That is why we followed quite closely J. S. Milne’s notes Lectures on Étale Cohomology (v. 2.21). Each meeting consisted of a student presenting on the blackboard the material covered in a number of pages we had previously agreed on. Everyone was supposed to read the notes before the meetings and we tried to answer each other’s questions. The format of the seminar was successful enough to continue in autumn (with reduced frequency).



You can find the list of seminar talks next. Almost all titles below correspond to one or two sections of the notes Lectures on Étale Cohomology (v. 2.21).

Date Speaker Title of the talk
14th Jun 2019 Francesc Motivation and first definitions
21st Jun 2019 Reginald The étale fundamental group
28th Jun 2019 David The étale site
5th Jul 2019 Francesc Sheaves on the étale site I
8th Jul 2019 Francesc Sheaves on the étale site II
26th Jul 2019 David Spectral sequences
29th Jul 2019 Reginald Čech cohomology
9th Aug 2019 Francesc The cohomology of Gm\mathbb{G}_{\mathrm{m}}
15th Aug 2019 Reginald Cohomology of curves
22nd Aug 2019 Francesc Duality theorems on curves
30th Aug 2019 Francesc Purity and the Gysin sequence
19th Sep 2019 Reginald Proper base change and cohomology with compact supports
2nd Oct 2019 Óscar \ell–adic sheaves and smooth base change
30th Oct 2019 Francesc The comparison theorem and the Künneth formula
20th Nov 2019 David The cycle map and Chern classes I
27th Nov 2019 David The cycle map and Chern classes II
4th Dec 2019 Francesc Poincaré duality and Lefschetz’s fixed-point theorem